Chemical change occurs when the atoms that make up one or more substances rearrange themselves in such a way that new substances are formed. These substances are the components of the chemical reaction system; those components which decrease in quantity are called reactants, while those that increase are products.
A given chemical reaction system is defined by a balanced net chemical equation which is conventionally written as
reactants → products
The first thing we need to know about a chemical reaction represented by a balanced equation is whether it can actually take place. If the reactants and products are all substances capable of an independent existence, then in principle, the answer is always "yes". WHAT IS EQUILIBRIUM
Basically, the term refers to what we might call a "balance of forces". In the case of mechanical equilibrium, this is its literal definition. A book sitting on a table top remains at rest because the downward force exerted by the earth's gravity acting on the book's mass (this is what is meant by the "weight" of the book) is exactly balanced by the repulsive force between atoms that prevents two objects from simultaneously occupying the same space, acting in this case between the table surface and the book. If you pick up the book and raise it above the table top, the additional upward force exerted by your arm destroys the state of equilibrium as the book moves upward. If you wish to hold the book at rest above the table, you adjust the upward force to exactly balance the weight of the book, thus restoring equilibrium.
Thermal equilibrium
Another kind of equilibrium we all experience is thermal equilibrium. When two objects are brought into contact, heat will flow from the warmer object to the cooler one until their temperatures become identical. Thermal equilibrium arises from the tendency of thermal energy to become as dispersed or "diluted" as possible.
A metallic object at room temperature will feel cool to your hand when you first pick it up because the thermal sensors in your skin detect a flow of heat from your hand into the metal, but as the metal approaches the temperature of your hand, this sensation diminishes. The time it takes to achieve thermal equilibrium depends on how readily heat is conducted within and between the objects; thus a wooden object will feel warmer than a metallic object even if both are at room temperature because wood is a relatively poor thermal conductor and will therefore remove heat from your hand more slowly.
Thermal equilibrium is something we often want to avoid, or at least postpone; this is why we insulate buildings, perspire in the summer and wear heavier clothing in the winter.Chemical equilibrium
When a chemical reaction takes place in a container which prevents the entry or escape of any of the substances involved in the reaction, the quantities of these components change as some are consumed and others are formed. Eventually this change will come to an end, after which the composition will remain unchanged as long as the system remains undisturbed. The system is then said to be in its equilibrium state, or more simply, "at equilibrium".Why reactions go toward equilibrium
In the reaction represented here, this balance point occurs when about 60% of the reactants have been converted to products. Once this equilibrium state has been reached, no further net change will occur. (The only spontaneous changes that are allowed follow the arrows pointing toward maximum dispersal of energy.)
It's very important that you know this definition:
"A chemical reaction is in equilibrium when there is no tendency for the quantities of reactants and products to change."
A chemical equation of the form A → B represents the transformation of A into B, but it does not imply that all of the reactants will be converted into products, or that the reverse reaction B → A cannot also occur.
If the equilibrium state is one in which significant quantities of both reactants and products are present (as in the hydrogen iodide example given above), then the reaction is said to incompletereversible. or
The latter term is preferable because it avoids confusion with "complete" in its other sense of being completed or finished, implying that the reaction has run its course and is now at equilibrium.
- If it is desired to emphasize the reversibility of a reaction, the single arrow in the equation is replaced with a pair of hooked lines pointing in opposite directions, as in A
- A reaction is said to be complete or quantitative when the equilibrium composition contains no significant amount of the reactants. However, a reaction that is complete when written in one direction is said "not to occur" when written in the reverse direction.
Note that there is no fundamental difference between the meanings of A → B and A
B. Some older textbooks just use A = B.
Berthollet's ideas about reversible reactions were finally vindicated by experiments carried out by others, most notably the Norwegian chemists (and brothers-in-law) Cato Guldberg and Peter Waage. During the period 1864-1879 they showed that an equilibrium can be approached from either direction (see the hydrogen iodide illustration above), implying that any reaction
aA + bB → cC + dD is really a competition between a "forward" and a "reverse" reaction. When a reaction is at equilibrium, the rates of these two reactions are identical, so no net (macroscopic) change is observed, although individual components are actively being transformed at the microscopic level.
Guldberg and Waage showed that for a reaction aA + bB → cC + dD,
the rate (speed) of the reaction in either direction is proportional to what they called the "active masses" of the various components:
the rate (speed) of the reaction in either direction is proportional to what they called the "active masses" of the various components:
rate of forward reaction = kf [A]a [B]b
rate of reverse reaction = kr [C]c [D]d
in which the proportionality constants k are called rate constants and the quantities in square brackets represent concentrations. If we combine the two reactants A and B, the forward reaction starts immediately; then, as the products C and D begin to build up, the reverse process gets underway. As the reaction proceeds, the rate of the forward reaction diminishes while that of the reverse reaction increases. Eventually the two processes are proceeding at the same rate, and the reaction is at equilibrium:
rate of forward reaction = rate of reverse reaction
kf [A]a [B]b = kr [C]c [D]d
The composition of the equilibrium state depends on the ratio of the forward- and reverse rate constants.
Be sure you understand the difference between the rate of a reaction and a rate constant. The latter, usually designated by k, relates the reaction rate to the concentration of one or more of the reaction components — for example, rate = k [A].
At equilibrium the rates of the forward and reverse processes are identical, but the rate constants are generally different. To see how this works, consider the simplified reaction A → B in the following three scenarios.
- kf >> kr
If the rate constants are greatly different (by many orders of magnitude), then this requires that the equilibrium concentrations of products exceed those of the reactants by the same ratio. Thus the equilibrium composition will lie strongly on the "right"; the reaction can be said to be "complete" or "quantitative".
- kf << kr
The rates can only be identical (equilibrium achieved) if the concentrations of the products are very small. We describe the resulting equilibrium as strongly favoring the left; very little product is formed. In the most extreme cases, we might even say that "the reaction does not take place".
- kf ≈ kr
- If kf and kr have comparable values (within, say, several orders of magnitude), then signficant concentrations of products and reactants are present at equilibrium; we say the the reaction is "incomplete" and "reversible".
Clearly, if we observe some change taking place— a change in color, the release of gas bubbles, the appearance of a precipitate, or the release of heat, we know the reaction is not yet at equilibrium.
But the absence of any apparent change does not by itself establish that the reaction is at equilibrium. The equilibrium state is one in which not only no change in composition take place, but also one in which no energetic tendency for further change is present. Unfortunately, "tendency" is not a property that is directly observable! Consider, for example, the reaction representing the synthesis of water from its elements:
2 H2(g) + O2(g) → 2 H2O(g)
You can store the two gaseous reactants in the same container indefinitely without any observable change occurring. But if you create an electrical spark in the container or introduce a flame, bang! After you pick yourself up off the floor and remove the shrapnel from what's left of your body, you will know very well that the system was not initially at equilibrium! It happens that this particular reaction has a tremendous tendency to take place, but for reasons that we will discuss in a later chapter, nothing can happen until we "set it off" in some way— in this case by exposing the mixture to a flame or spark, or (in a more gentle way) by introducing a platinum wire, which acts as a catalyst.
A reaction of this kind is said to be highly favored thermodynamically, but inhibited kinetically. The similar reaction of hydrogen and iodine
H2(g) + I2(g) → 2 HI(g)
by contrast is only moderately favored thermodynamically (and is thus incomplete), but its kinetics are both unspectacular and reasonably facile.
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